Monday, March 5, 2012

Weighing the Options: Why I didn't start The Wire

I understand that it is a fantastic show and that it is most definitely right up my alley, but I'm just not going to start watching The Wire... yet.

Jena Janovy. Jay Asser. Bill Simmons. President Barack Obama. Several friends of mine. These people have all endorsed The Wire and agree that it is an amazing, must-watch show. And while I have great respect for all of those voices, I just can't start the show at this time.

You see, I have a problem. If I start a television show, I have to watch every episode of that television show until I have seen all that is available. Much like Pringles, once I pop I just can't stop. Lost: three seasons (70 episodes) in two months. Dexter: four seasons (48 episodes) in two months. Breaking Bad: four seasons (46 episodes) in a matter of weeks. And I know I watched all of Six Feet Under in a small amount of time as well, especially considering it wasn't my type of show at all. It's an issue.

And in my final and most busy semester of my college career, I just can't afford to open the Pandora's box that would lead me to watching five seasons and 60 episodes of The Wire in two of the most important months of my life. It has nothing to do with my perceived quality of the show, or any of the many positive endorsements I have heard. It's a personal, self-control issue that I'd like to nip in the butt.

If I were to start this show I feel like it could jeopardize my timely graduation. If I got hooked on The Wire at this time, like I know I would, I would be left borrowing a phrase I have actually heard from the show said by Senator Clay Davis...


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